Donate Domain Names
Donate Domain Names Tax Deduction

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Domain Name Donation

Domain Name Donation Feedback

Our donors definitely say it better than we do! Previous donor requests to donate intellectual property (and our capability to facilitate such generous donations) convinced us to create this site devoted solely to domain name donations and intellectual property gifts. Please send in your domain donation experience so future donors understand the benefits. Donate Domain Name

Must admit, I never write these thing. After getting my tax documents back though and seeing how much you got for my domain, I was shocked. You definitely have a niche here. Just glad I could help!

Sam - Miami Florida

This has been an excellent deal for me. Due to the economy lately, I haven't been making as much money and you have provided me with a much needed way to pay less on my taxes. Deciding on vacation now!

Mike - San Diego California

I donated 3 domain names to you. Tell others: Easy process, received tax paperwork & vacation voucher!

Ron - Hoboken New Jersey

We have 1000's of names and always wondered if we could donate some to a good cause. Every charity I spoke with didn't accept domain donations though. I will bring you up at the next convention! I know fellow domain name owners like us will gladly take the tax deduction and support your worthy cause.

William - Las Vegas Nevada

As we discussed, I am a very successful domainer and have been looking for a way to give back. My company buys and sells premium domains and sometimes makes the wrong choice. Although many consider them  valuable domains, I know they'll only bring red to our portfolio in the long run. I just had to say that I appreciate the option to help your cause and lighten our portfolio of non producing names we've acquired.

Cliff - Reston Virginia

I saw you guys on the Dr Phil show video you have posted, pretty cool. I am confident the proceeds from the 4 domains I donated will also go towards helping someone like Sylvia and her family. Tell everyone I said you make this very easy, and that the tax papers and vacation voucher arrived already! Hawaii here I come!

Lynda - San Francisco California

Excellent organization. Very knowledgeable, made the donation process easy. Will suggest to others.

Vlad - Seattle Washington

I have been purchasing domain names since 1999. What I thought at that time was speculative ideology from friends, lead me to owning a portfolio of domains at varying values. Nice to be able to give back like this.

Liam - UK Domainer

Always wondered if my domain names would pay off. Unlike most of the others on your testimonial page, I didn't do it for the tax deduction or vacation. I did it for my dog Sammy who passed away last year. I know you work with the SPCA and spoke with them to verify you really do help. Please use my domain names so they truly help a rescue dog like Sammy. I only knew him for 3 years and never felt anything like I felt caring for him in my 59 years of living. I got lucky with my domain find. Appraisers agreed, we spoke of the potential, please take my domains and help someone like me take a forever home dog, no matter the issues.

Cooper & Sammy
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